abdominal therapy
Maya Abdominal Therapy techniques masterfully combine modern science and ancient healing practices. It is a wonderful therapy that addresses the whole container: the spine, diaphragm, abdominal muscles and organs, ribs, and the space they inhabit. In this style of abdominal massage provides gentle, external massage between the pubic bone and lower ribs to create space for the organs to return to their original positions and encourage functionality. Specific work on the low back and sacrum helps align bony structures, frees stuck ligaments and energy, decongests the area for improved circulation and provides balanced pelvic support.
Health in Your Hands
An important part of the session is teaching self-care, so you leave empowered to create change on your own at home in 10 minutes a day.
You will learn a simple sequence in your first session to practice at home. In subsequent sessions we answer questions about your home practice and refine techniques.
What to Expect
You will be undressed and covered as you would be in a regular massage session. Massage begins with the upper and lower belly eventually covering the entire abdomen to stimulate circulation of blood, lymph, and nerve impulses to all organs.
Sessions always include massage to your back, hips, and sacrum. This improves nerve flow to abdominal and pelvic organs, supporting proper uterine placement, and aligns your pelvis for your comfort and freedom of movement.
Abdominal Massage for All Genders
While mayan abdominal massage is known for supporting the uterus into right alignment it is actually a supportive therapy for all genders. Everyone can benefit from healthy alignment and blood flow to their pelvis and internal organs. All mayan abdominal work is external to the body and non-sexual in nature. All bodies are welcome to receive this care.
benefits of mayan abdominal therapy:
Mayan abdominal therapy supports a reconnection and respect for the wholeness of the body. It can benefit:
painful, irregular menstruation, ovulation, or PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
difficult menopause and perimenopause
ovarian cysts and PCOS
low back and pelvic pain
urinary incontinence
pelvic organ prolapse
digestive disorders of all kinds
scar tissue and surgical recovery a
prostate issues, erectile dysfunction and impotence
We love to work with postpartum recovery in particular to support:
connection to the body after difficult pregnancy or childbirth
return of abdominal organs to their “happy home” or natural position
pelvic organ prolapse
low back and pelvic pain
cesarean scar tissue recovery
healthy digestion