COVID-19 Update: Office Will Re-Open Mid-May

Office will Re-Open Mid-May

During the Safer-at-Home period from May 9th until at least May 26th we are open and will slowly start seeing clients again.
If we needed to cancel your session during Stay-at-Home in March/April/May, please lookout for an email from us to reschedule.
In order to reschedule these canceled sessions, we will not yet be opening the online scheduling calendar for in-person appointments. You can schedule virtual sessions online. 
First and foremost we want to acknowledge: 

It’s OK to be ready to schedule massage
AND it’s OK to not be ready to schedule massage. 

We will like you just the same!


This is not business as usual.  

In order to open in the safest way, the state and county health departments have created regulations that individual industries must follow. We are complying with all these regulations and in some cases, going beyond to more stringent protocols.

Nevertheless, anytime you choose to interact with those outside your household, especially within 6 feet of space (massage!), there is an inherent risk - hence the name “Safer-at-Home”. Some people with this virus will remain asymptomatic and will never appear to be ill. COVID-19 continues to be an extremely contagious illness and staying at home is still the way to maintain your lowest possible risk. 

We ask each client to evaluate their personal and household risk factors before scheduling a session — especially clients included in the high-risk category by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment such as people 60 and over, pregnant, or with chronic medical conditions. 

At every session we will be strictly adhering to the following Customer Protection Requirements:

  • All clients are required to wear cloth face coverings or masks, and we will only perform services that can be done without you removing your mask (per Public Health Order 20-28). This means entering our office, leaving our office, and yes, while your face is in the face cradle during your massage.

  • Every client will need to conduct a symptom check, including temperature, before receiving massage. We do not yet have a contactless thermometer and are asking you to take your temperature at home and report any symptoms. We are making this check easy with a confidential online form.  If you have a fever, symptoms, or anyone in your household has a fever or symptoms we will reschedule your session. This is not a punishment! It is necessary for all of us to co-create a healthy community environment and to hold to stricter standards.  (There is obviously NO charge for an appointment canceled for COVID related symptoms.)

  • We will have contactless payment options available both integrated into our current online scheduler Genbook and also via Square, ApplePay, and Venmo.

  • We will be using meticulous hand-washing (as always!) as well as disinfecting the massage table, tools, and all contact surfaces at our offices with either a bleach solution or an EPA-approved product for emerging viral pathogens expected to be effective against COVID-19. 

  • We will have a “virtual waiting room” where you wait in your car until we call you. Our physical waiting rooms are closed with no tea, water, and magazines. Please bring your own water bottle if you would like to sip during your session. By skipping the waiting room we keep the number of people and surfaces you contact as low as possible.

  • No extra people can come to your session. We often encourage you to bring a friend to help watch your baby in the waiting area during your session - for right now, this is not an option. Please make alternative childcare plans.

We know this looks like a lot at first glance, but this will be our new normal.
If you are feeling uncertain whether you would be able to relax in a massage try listening to a meditation Faith created to help connect you to your inner wisdom on this topic

We want to reinforce again that now will not be the time for everyone to resume sessions and we fully support you in making the choice that feels right for you! We love our clients and we will be here when you are ready to receive bodywork again, whether that is next week or next year. 

For those who are ready to schedule, we want to remind you that everything we said in our last letter holds true.... we still expect this to be a bumpy ride with opening and closing variables that continue to change. Our goal is to open in the safest possible way and we appreciate your patience, kindness, and understanding. 

More resources:

Boulder County COVID-19 Resources

World Health Organization: Q & A Pregnancy, Childbirth, and COVID-19

Safer at Home Colorado: Public Health Order and Guidance

Guidance on Mask/Facial Coverings


The Master Cleanse


Massage Suspended Until April 30th. Remote Sessions Available.