how the 2020 pandemic helped you prepare for postpartum

If you are having a baby this year, you likely lived through the thick of the covid-19 pandemic as an adult. You probably didn’t know it then, because life was upside-down, but that time taught you some genuinely helpful skills to prepare for life with a new baby. 

Honestly, probably life with a new baby will be easier than those earliest pandemic days. And also, probably less scary. No promises on that one as new parent hormones can make you feel some wild things! But truly, let’s not let those lessons be wasted! Here is what I see clients learn in the pandemic that serves them - and you! - in preparing for early parenthood. 

Communication - Nutrition - Mental Health Support - Contentment


Life as a new parent can feel foreign when compared to our typical daily routines as working adults. Suddenly you're home with a baby, busy all the time with the same few tasks, and not out and about in a way that feels familiar. Probably the best skill that came from the pandemic is knowing how to genuinely connect with friends and family over technology. 

When many of us were practicing “stay-at-home life” 5 years ago, we started connecting with friends both near and far over messaging, video, and phone. While video fatigue is VERY real and my preschooler absolutely says “no” to videochats some days in exchange for hanging out with people off screens, the immediate postpartum can be a great time to bring back early morning video calls with grandma or happy hour chats to introduce friends near and far to your new baby. 

Two added bonuses? You truly don’t have to change out of your pajamas and anytime babe needs to eat you have your favorite nursing set up or all your bottles ready - no packing and prepping needed. If you are using your phone for these chats consider getting some kind of phone prop or stand so you can video hands-free… because you’ll need all those hands - and a few extra - for your baby. 

I personally always love a chat with a friend and their baby when one camera is dedicated to the baby and we all get to watch the wiggles or sleepy smiles. People who have older kids love to see babies again (and they have somehow blissfully forgotten the sleepless nights)!

If you were someone who really struggled with the isolation of the pandemic use this knowledge to your advantage postpartum instead of letting it scare you. Consider scheduling weekly in person “dates” with a friend who could come to your house during the first few weeks or video “dates” with friends and family. These “dates” create touchpoints in your days to break through isolation. 

It can feel intimidating when babies aren’t on a schedule to make a commitment, so pick friends or family who feel flexible and easy-going about changing times or canceling last minute. And if that doesn’t work for you, simply set a reminder on your phone to call a friend - and when it goes off try calling or video chatting the first person who comes to mind. 

Nutrition and Nourishment

Postpartum is a really important time to nourish your body. Good food can make a huge difference in mood, mental health, and physical recovery. During the early pandemic, in an effort to go to the grocery store less, many people who had never tried meal planning learned to schedule a week of meals and shop for a whole week (or two) at a time. Many also became more comfortable varying or modifying recipes to match what they already had in the kitchen. This is an amazing postpartum skill both for early postpartum and later for parent/s returning to paid work. 

A little organization means less trips to the grocery store which saves you the chaos of getting a little baby in and out of the grocery store, but more importantly it saves you time - whether that is daycare time or your own nap time, your hours are more precious than ever before. 

In addition to meal planning, you may have become really good at ordering everyday items for  pick-up or delivery. As a postpartum doula, pre-pandemic I would sometimes have to convince parents that when it came to choosing between taking a nap and taking your baby or toddler to the grocery store, you don’t have to choose if you just have groceries delivered! Now in 2025, many people are familiar and comfortable placing grocery orders to be picked up or delivered to your doorstep and letting someone else do the running around at the store. Most major stores have this option, but did you know that tons of small local stores and restaurants offer quick pickups or the option to bring orders straight to your car? The tiredness can be so real postpartum that the difference between getting the errand done and not getting it done can be as simple as not unloading the baby from the car one. more. time. 

Accessing Mental Health Support

Another shift during the pandemic was that many mom groups and new parents support groups changed to offer both in-person and virtual connection. In those early days of parenting when you are not quite ready to get out of the house these virtual groups mean you can still connect with other new parents and if you are returning to paid work you may even be able to continue to fit these groups into your schedule if you work from home. (A pumping break with a support group seems much less lonely!) 

For those experiencing mild postpartum depression, breaking through the isolation many new parents feel can be HUGELY beneficial and these virtual groups help make that connection accessible.  

Sure sometimes it can feel like total freedom to have an unscheduled day just you and that sweet baby. And, other times? 

Well, at 8am when you feel like you’ve already lived a whole life and you know that you won’t talk to another adult until 5:30pm? It can feel like too much. Finding these online support groups - be it a new parent group, talking to your therapist online, or a local yoga class videoed from home can break up the day and be a lifeline to connection. 

Many therapists offer private sessions online. If you are looking to get one-on-one mental health support check out the list of parent and family focused therapists and social workers on our resource list to find someone skilled in navigating early parenthood and check if they can see you from home.  I have exclusively seen my therapist in video sessions since having my son (he is 3 at the time of writing this) because I find it so accessible to schedule therapy during his nap times. 


The other skill many people learned in the pandemic was how to simply be with themself. I talk to clients everyday who feel like life is back at rocket-speed and although they are definitely NOT longing for lockdown again, they are wishing for the chance to stay home, go slow, and have no plans outside their immediate family. Even though things can be busy early postpartum with doctor appointments for the birthing parent and baby, playing with older kids, and scheduling family and friend visits - the early days of postpartum life have a unique opportunity to shut out the world and soak in that sweet baby. To really take advantage of this time you have to be willing to be somewhat uncomfortable and to settle into all the strange sleeping hours, new sensations, and upheaval that also comes with these early days. 

When you think about heading into your early early postpartum window remember even though the baby part is new, you have lots of other life skills that will set you up for an easier time. 

Use the skills you have to stay connected, to nourish your body, to care for your mental health, and to slow down - even if it’s just for a little while. And remember, we are here for you with resources to support and nourish your postpartum window. 


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