Massage as Community Service

We believe strongly in making massage therapy available to everyone in our community. We also know that while our community includes many affluent people, there are lots of people in Boulder County and the surrounds for whom massage is not part of their budget. To help fill these gaps we try to mindfully choose places to offer free or steeply discounted massage and bodywork.

In 2021, our massage therapist Jeanne helped us connect with the Nurse-Family Partnership of Colorado. Nurse-Family Partnership® is an evidence-based, community health program with 45 years of research showing significant improvements in the health and lives of first-time moms and their children affected by social and economic inequality. In 2022 Jeanne has donated her time monthly to offer prenatal and postnatal massage therapy to Nurse-Family Partnership clients' and we look forward to continuing this partnership in 2023!

On December 30, 2021 the most destructive wildfire in Colorado history happened close to our homes and close to our clients. We knew that we wanted to support those who had experienced losses. We are a small practice and worried that we couldn’t have a significant impact. We also knew that in the immediate term of January 2022 most people had pressing needs for clothing, shelter, and food - not bodywork. But instead of letting these worries stop us, we started offering massage therapy free of charge to those whose homes were destroyed - especially prenatal and postpartum parents- and we have been able to continue to work with those who are rebuilding. As they say, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good!” We recognize that a massage will not help someone rebuild their home, but we also know that caring touch from another person and even a single session of massage therapy helping the nervous system destress can be supportive to someone in crisis.

Although our reach is small, we hope that when many people and businesses in our community choose to give the impact can grow exponentially. Our impact has been able to go even further with the generosity of clients who gifted massage therapy to friends who were displaced or lost homes. Thank you to those who gifted these sessions!

Our other passion in the community is teaching infant massage to parents and caregivers. Infant massage has wonderful benefits for both baby and caregiver including support for sleep, digestion, and healthy motor development. When mothers massage their infant it can even help the mother sleep better! In 2022, we taught quarterly infant massage classes to parents at SCL Health in Lafayette and classes at the Boulder Public Library. These classes are free to the public to learn this amazing skill to bond and support baby and caregiver. We are so grateful to be invited to teach and honored to be part of early parenthood journeys. In 2023 we will continue to offer these classes and are adding a new class at the Superior Community Center.


Birth Center of Boulder becomes Boulder Birth and Holistic Health


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