5 Things to Consider Before Scheduling Your Outdoor Massage
We’ve been getting a lot more requests for outdoor massages recently - especially with the presence of COVID-19. This is actually something we have been offering for years so our answer is often an enthusiastic “yes!”. But while outdoor massages sound dreamy, like you are on vacation in your own backyard, there are a few things to consider before you schedule your session.
1. Constantly Changing Colorado : One minute it’s sunny, the next a down pour. Some October days are in the 70’s and other days in October it is freezing with the first falling snow. We have wildfires, hail storms, torrential downpours, and blazing hot sun. Sometimes all in the same day! Because Colorado’s weather is unpredictable you will need to consider the general weather at the time of year you are scheduling your massage and whether you have a way to stay out of the elements. One recent outdoor massage I barely finished the session and packed my car before a HUGE rainstorm blew through. Sometimes you just get lucky.
2. Your Physical Space : What is your privacy like? Do you have a tall fence or trees? Do you have a porch that can be screened from neighbors? Even in mostly private spaces you may have a neighbor or two who can see from their second story windows into your privately fenced backyard. While it is pretty easy to wear a bathrobe to the table and slip under the sheets in a discrete manner, for some it feels strange during the massage to have their leg or their whole back undraped with neighbors walking nearby. In my neighborhood, our fences are low and trees are small. If we did a massage on the back patio all the neighbors would be stopping by to say hello. Some of you may have no neighbors or not care that they catch a glimpse of your massage and that’s fine too!
3. Nearby Noise : This goes along with space. Do you like your massages zen with a hang drum playing in the background as you drift into relaxation? If your neighbors are in the middle of renovating their home or a house in your neighborhood is getting a new roof on the day of your massage, your backyard may not feel quiet enough for deep relaxation. Kids, pets, and deliveries are often part of the outdoor massage soundtrack. Alternatively, the neighbors mowing the lawn next door could be just the white noise you need to shut off the busy-ness of the mind.
4. Timing : When we are working outside we have to be more considerate of the time of day. Too close to dusk and you will be a mosquito snack. In the middle of the day, if you don’t have shade, you risk getting a sunburn while on the table. The best time for summer massages is in the morning when rainstorms are less likely and the heat of the day is still low. Late afternoon, especially if there is a bit of shade, can also be lovely. A massage I had on the beach in Jamaica years ago really drove this point home for me. As I settled in between the sheets and drew in what I expected to be a deep breath of delicious vacation-y salt air I realized we had scheduled our massages at low tide and instead I spent the next hour breathing in the stink of fish and roasting seaweed.
5. The Backup Plan : Even if outdoor massage SOUNDS amazing (and often is amazing!) it is important to have a backup plan in case today is one of the days any of the numerous things above happens. Trust me on this. Lucky for you, in Colorado, the fishy smell of low tide will not be a problem! But, we still need an alternative in case the day isn’t ideal. Covered porches are perfect for rain (as long as it isn’t too windy), but for snow, wildfire smoke, or bugs sometimes we need to be able to move inside. The key is that the back-up plan can’t be canceling because you need (and deserve!) the bodywork!
Now that I’ve laid out all the challenges, let me also say that being outside on the grass or porch with the sound of a gentle breeze blowing through the trees with just right amount of sun streaming to keep you warm, but not hot is truly a magically. When all the pieces come together just right, having your massage outdoor is a wonderful experience.
* A note: If this sounds amazing to you get in touch. All outdoor massages are considered in-home massages and you need to email us to schedule your session rather than using the online calendar. We still follow all the same COVID precautions as in the office during these sessions.