Faith Davis Faith Davis

6 Postpartum Essentials to Truly Heal

It’s no secret that the path to postpartum healing can be long and arduous. This is a time for deep care and rest for the new mother, given that you just spent the last several months growing this beautiful new life. One of the most important ways to care for yourself in postpartum is to have a solid nutrition and self-care plan in place – and seek support to help you achieve that plan. 

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

Lafayette Office ReOpening Fall 2021

We are so excited to announce the opening of our new Lafayette office at 1300 Plaza Court North Suite 202. (Yes! This is next door to our May/June office!) Visit us in this serene space every Tuesday to work with our newest (and most experienced) massage therapist Shelly for all your prenatal, postnatal, and everyBody massage needs.

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

Growing Into Summer

Summer is such a beautiful time of growth. Gardens ripen into abundant color. Children sprout curiosity as they roam outdoors and hone new skills. Even adults seem to thrive with longer daylight and more time outside making room to play. Here at Mountain Mama Massage we are growing too - in so many ways! Faith is quite literally growing as she prepares to welcome her first baby in October.

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

5 favorite gifts for a baby registry I hardly ever see

“What do I need to have on my baby registry? Do I even need a baby registry? How much stuff could one or two tiny humans need?” 

These are questions I got all the time as a prenatal yoga teacher. 

One - I’ll tell you my opinion of what should be on your registry. 

Two - You absolutely need a registry. 

Three - Tiny babies sometimes need SO much stuff.

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Recipes Faith Davis Recipes Faith Davis

Butternut Squash Kitchari

Winter is upon us and it is a time for cooking soups and stews. Kitchari is my favorite ayurvedic food and adding butternut squash, as in this recipe, makes it perfect for crisp winter days and chilly night.

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

Hemorrhoid Care - a How-To Quick Guide

3 out of 4 adults will experience hemorrhoids. Since they are a real part of many pregnancy journeys, for today’s blog I’m putting on my postpartum doula hat and talking about how to care for “down there” when things get disrupted. 

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

How to (Not-So-Subtly) Ask for a Massage as a Gift

Many of my clients LOVE to receiving gift certificates for massage therapy. Whether a client comes in regularly and wants more massage therapy or if massage feels like an occasional special treat, massages make a great gift. I’ve seen massages gifted for birthdays, baby showers, to say “thank you”, and to say “I’m sorry”. One size fits all and I’ve never had one returned, but sometimes we can be shy about asking for what we really want. In my years as a massage therapist, I’ve also seen some pretty creative ways of asking for massage gift certificates.

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

How to Gift a Thoughtful Massage

I am biased, but I think massages make a wonderful gift. I give them to celebrate, to console, and to say “thinking of you and wish I could be there” to far away friends and family. I also get a lot of emails asking about how to find a good massage therapist when gifting massages to friends in far away cities. As we all know, not all massages are created equal! So in this season of gifting- whether you want to give to a friend, a loved one, or yourself- I’ve prepared a few quick tips on how to gift a great massage.

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

At Home Retreat 2020 for Thanksgiving

What if instead of a Thanksgiving weekend spent exclusively missing family and friends and the external fun we are used to creating on this holiday while cramming stimulants (sugar, alcohol, food, tv, etc) you took a little time for active relaxation and creating deep rest in an at-home retreat? 

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

Repost - Celebrating Seven Years of Faith Davis Massage & Yoga!

When I started my massage practice I had no idea what would happen. Would it be a success? A failure? Would I even enjoy being a full-time massage therapist? It’s hard to believe it’s already been seven years and I’m happy to report that I love it just as much (possibly even more) than the day I opened my doors!

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

September Reset Plan

I have for many years treated September as my personal new year. I use this time for reviewing the year that has been, setting goals and intentions, deciding which projects are important to my business and my life, scheduling the self-care my body craves, and clearing away things (physical, emotional, and mental) from the last year that no longer serve me.

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Jeanne Mitchell Jeanne Mitchell

More sleep please! The links between massage and menopause.

Do you have whispered conversations in the corner of parties about hot flashes? Are you struggling with insomnia, stress or migraines? Many clients know that we treat families moving through the hormonal changes of pregnancy and postpartum, but did you also know we work with people going through peri-menopause? Have you considered that regular massage could ease your symptoms? With the National Institutes of Health suggesting that up to 76% of women are seeking Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) solutions to ease symptoms of menopause through acupuncture, diet, yoga, herbs, and exercise, we deserve to know more about the positive benefits of massage therapy.

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

Celebrating 10 years of Faith Davis Massage & Yoga LLC

This week we are celebrating 10 years of Faith Davis Massage and Yoga LLC! We are so grateful that some of you have been coming in for massages for that full 10 years. In our earliest years we met clients during pre and postnatal massage training, traveling with a co-ed cycling team to multi-day stage races, and at my sweet little first office on Pearl St. Then we met at the “Treehouse” office, in yoga classes, at physical therapy and chiropractic offices, and at the Mama’hood’s Boulder location.

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Faith Davis Faith Davis

Summer Yoga Outside

By both the solar and the social calendar summer is fast approaching. BBQ invitations are in the mail, camping trips are in the plans, and warm weather has arrived. With the warm summer months comes the chance for outdoor yoga. I will be out on decks, beaches, rooftops, and in parks celebrating the practice I love surrounded by the scenery I love. I invite you to join me!

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